- Damage to the environment
- Dull, lifeless atmosphere
- Quiet
- Ragged looking protagonist- well worn in clothes and possessions
- Lack of resources
- Backstory often violent
- Male survivors
- Always rumours of somewhere better, a haven or utopia
- Happiness only seen in flashbacks
- The need for company and a family
Something that is also prominent withing the Post Apocalyptic genre is Srauss's Binary opposites, as they can be seen between the reality and in the flash backs (Happiness in he flash backs, Dull sadness in reality, These are opposites and are easy to spot). The same can be said for the 'Protagonist' and the 'Antagonist' as usually they will be after the same object, or on the same journey, however, their need for the object they are after would be completely different. E.g in the book of Eli, Eli needs to make sure the book is not forgotten and is used for love and wisdom. Whereas the antagonist needs the book for power over the people. -Same journey, different purpose.
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